Saturday, August 26, 2006

Three Things...

I've been tagged again, this time by Gay Boy In London, so this time, folks, it's all about the power of three...

1. Three things that scare me:
The fact that Australians keep electing John Howard as Prime Minister
George Bush and his warmongers
Huntsman spiders (although I'm much less arachnophobic than I used to be)

2. Three people that make me laugh.
Sean M. Whelan
Monty Python
alicia sometimes

3...Three things I hate the most

4...Three things I don't understand
How computers work
How to pick up in bars

5...Three things I'm doing right now
Wriggling my toes
Looking out the window
Wondering what my friend Lisa and I will have for lunch

6...Three things I want to do before I die
Fall in love again
Have my novel published
Visit Tierra del Fuego

7... Three things I can do

8... Three ways to describe my personality
(According to the Johari system: you can read about my good traits here, and my bad traits here, should you be so inclined)

9... Three things I can't do
Play a musical instrument
Resist temptation
Speak a foreign language

10...Three things I think you should listen to
Your heart
Miles Davis
3RRR - and yes, we webcast!

11...Three things you should never listen to
The insecure voice at the back of your mind
Commercial radio
John Howard

12...Three things I'd like to learn
Another language other than drunken gibberish, in which I'm quite fluent
Maybe bass guitar
Possibly how to drive, although I've got this far without that particular ability...

13...Three favourite foods
Penne Amatriciana

14...Three beverages I drink regularly
Cabernet Sauvignon

15...Three shows I watched as a kid
Sesame Street
The Banana Splits

16...Three people I'm tagging (to do this meme)
Clem Bastow
Dave the Scot
Tim Norton


Gay boy comes to London said...

Brilliant answers. I see Sesame Street has been quite a fav so far. The things Sesame did for all us gays in those formative years.

davethescot said...

Mission completed, my first tag.

Thank you sir.

richardwatts said...

GBIL - it does seem a rather formative influence for a few of us, doesn't it?!

dave - you're most welcome! one of us, one of us, etc...